Monday, July 16, 2012

New room

Moving to a new room didnt take long. Wont go into details. After lace shopping in Kenmare we drove to the National STud FArm of Ireland. Great time, beautiful stallions, foals,mares, and a Japanese garden next to a grotto to a saint. We are back in Dublin, had dinner in a Japanese restaurant?????.? Met and visited people from MN. Back with cousins tomorrow and a whirlwind tour of Dublin and pub dinner tomorrow. New flight plans bring us back to Mobile on Thursday night. We just heard about Clarie Briggs and our sympathies go out to her friends and family. We are praying for y ou. We cant believe our time in Ireland is almost up; it has been the most idyllic adventure and we are planning another one. Hard to get pics to upload on a ipad, but will try. We only have taken about 700!!!!!!!! Love to all.

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